Thursday, June 21, 2007

The fate of Neville Longbottom

What do you think will happen with Neville in book 7? Do you think he will play a major role in the last book? Why do you think he was passed over by He-who-must-not-be-named in favor of Harry Potter in regards to the prophecy?


Anonymous said...

I think that Neville will play a huge part in the last book. I think that he will help Harry somehow defeat Voldemort, since they all three are so closely linked. I love the character Neville, but I'm afraid he will be one of the characters to die in the upcoming book...he will die valiantly, helping defeat evil and losing his life for the greater cause.

Anonymous said...

I think Neville will play a huge part in the seventh book. In all the other books, he's kinda played the insignifigant extra friend of Harry. But, since Neville, Harry, and Voldemort are so closely linked and intertwined with all the prophecy stuff, I think Neville will definitely play a great and signifigant part in the seventh book, but as to what that part will be, I'm clueless. One question to consider is will Neville stay good and help Harry, or might he turn bad and help Voldemort because Voldemort persuaded him or bribed him or something? Who knows.