Saturday, July 14, 2007

Harry Potter prequel?

There is a rumor floating around that J.K. Rowling will eventually write at least one, possibly more, prequels to the Harry Potter series focusing on the school years of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remis Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Severus Snape. Do you think this is a good idea or should she leave well enough alone with the original seven books?


Anonymous said...

I think unless she wants to be known as the Harry Potter lady (not that that's bad), she should try her hand at writing something else. I'd be interested to see if her other work was as good.

Jalen said...

She should leave it alone. Period.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a great way to keep it going. I and I know many other readers like a Harry Potter fix, and I want to see many of the other characters in more depth.

Anonymous said...

I would Love a prequel! I've been wanting one since Sirius died (Which was WRONG! I cried.) in OotP! I don't think she should leave it alone because I think half the world (If not more:D) has been left wondering about the original mauraders since HArry found the ressurection stone! Since all of them are now dead, we can't get our fix off of FanFiction, because, lets face it people, It just WEIRD when you bring them back!