Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Sorting Hat!

If you were accepted as a first year student to Hogwarts...in which house would you prefer to be sorted? Gryffindors are known for their courage, Ravenclaws are wise, Hufflepuffs are loyal, and Slytherins are clever! Which house would you belong to and why?


lfplbigread said...

Gryffindor, of course!

Is there any other house worthy of my skills?

Anonymous said...

i dunno i would probably be in hufflepuff because i am always loyal to my friends and i am to shy to be anywhere else!

Anonymous said...

I'd definitely have to say I float somewhere between Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

I hold both aspects, but don't want to list them and sound as if I'm tooting my own horn. ;D Tadah.