Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Read and repeat!

So...how many times have you read each book in the series? Once/twice...five times? We know you know all of your HP trivia, so 'fess up and tell us how many times you've read the Harry Potter series!


Anonymous said...

This summer, to celebrate the 7 weeks of Harry Potter, I am rereading the whole series...one book per week.

I am on book two now - there is so much I forgot!

Anonymous said...

I've read #1 at least 4 times; #2 about 3 times; #3 and #4 I have read once or twice each. One of these days I might get around to reading the rest.

Anonymous said...

I've only read each book once. I keep thinking I need to go back and re-read them, but then I look at how thick they are, and decide against it.

Anonymous said...

I have read #1 and #2 about twice each; #3 and #4 about five times; #5 three times; and #6 only once. My favorite is without a doubt #3!